Mad Dogs & Englishmen

It is said that only Mad Dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun..

Fortunately I fit well into both of those categories. Even in the searing heat of the Andalusian sunshine, I can be found doing sweary-battle with aggressive brambles, covered in dust, sweat and most times, blood.
When I reach the point of overheating exhaustion, my darling Hanne will make me a cuppa Earl Grey and on passing me the hot cup, will look at me as though I’m a complete pothouse.

She may have a point.

But work needs doing and in an untamed off-grid, environment, there is always something that needs work.

These sentiments are mirrored in the Free Folk Project. Laying the foundations for such ambitious intentions takes a lot of time and energy. And when summer arrives, productivity can sometimes wane. People are spending their precious time with families, enjoying the most of the beautiful sun.

August has been a bit lax. It’s a good thing, as it teaches us to undo the programs of rigidity and live more calm and at the same time spontaneous.

The finished masterpiece of the Free Folk Project already exists in another time, space coordinate. Painstakingly painting the blank canvas back here in the present, is a time that should be enjoyed not rushed.

At times, we are all guilty of taking life too seriously, programmed on the destination, forgetting to enjoy the full rainbow that is our journey.