Meet The Team

Here's a quick intro to the core Free Folk team members.. Brought together through a shared excitement for the project, with a healthy dose of laughter and a whole lot of love 
Click a team member below to find out more..

Illustration of Danny from The Free Folk Project


Illustration of Hanne from The Free Folk Project


Illustration of Neil from The Free Folk Project


Illustration of Oliver from The Free Folk Project


Illustration of Toni from The Free Folk Project


Illustration of Rachel from The Free Folk Project


Illustration of Jiddo from The Free Folk Project


Illustration of Ian from The Free Folk Project


Illustration of Anna from The Free Folk Project


Illustration of The Dude from The Free Folk Project

The Dude

If you're hearing the call from your inner child who wants to have fun again, and you feel you have something you'd like to contribute to the project - all ideas are welcome - then get in touch..

Join the dream!

Illustration of Danny from The Free Folk Project


Danny has been front and centre of the unofficial, alternative narrative since the external world openly came out as completely bananas.. Challenging and shining a light on state propaganda, Danny is sometimes the calm eye of the storm and other times the storm itself..

Now, however, his focus has shifted from fighting an old world to building a new one.. Day by day, the Free Folk Project is uncovering more of Danny’s heart, which we all need more of..

Illustration of Hanne from The Free Folk Project


If Danny is the project’s fire, then Hanne is the calm water.. Incredibly grounded, Hanne has a great strength to anchor the project, creating a composed environment for the methodical unravelling of innovative notions..

Hanne is intuitively passionate about planning and structure which effortlessly compliments the outlandish, creative materialise before our very eyes.. As well as holding the project together, Hanne shares three, young children with Danny in their blossoming off-grid environment..

Illustration of Neil from The Free Folk Project


One of the first members of the Free Folk Team, Neil is quietly a creative genius.. Freely giving his heart and mind to all aspects of the project, Neil conveys incredible optimism and backs it up with the unsurpassed quality of his considered and detailed approach..

With a wicked sense of humour, Neil is the kind of man that every team needs and yet his modest reaction to compliments ground his artistic gift as a walk in the park..

Illustration of Oliver from The Free Folk Project


Oliver is part man, part sound.. Oliver’s passion for the subtle song of nature is matched in his profound ability to instinctively enhance our moving image with stunning music that nourishes us deep within our hearts..

A sensitive soul, Oliver truly feels his way into each piece of the poetic puzzle.. The eloquent effect is a moving composition that magically touches the listener..

Illustration of Toni from The Free Folk Project


None of us really know exactly what Toni does..

He is the strong bond, bridging the divide between the computer world and the natural world.. Toni has this unique quality in creating a complex, flawless interface which allows users to navigate our online space smoothly..

Toni carries out his craft with eagle-eyed focus completely at ease with his virtual virtuoso.. Toni’s pioneering attitude will carry this project far into the future..

Illustration of Rachel from The Free Folk Project


Rachel is one of our newer members and although we haven’t known her for long, we know we have known her forever..

Rachel has seamlessly settled into the Free Folk fold bringing with her a gift of beautiful, natural and funny artwork that at once, evokes heartfelt emotion and a playfulness that is missing in the often too serious world of art..

Illustration of Jiddo from The Free Folk Project


Using words to try and define Jiddo feels an injustice. This is a man who has an indefinable quality, a rich stillness which invites such powerful connection.

Jiddo brings true warrior spirit, balanced with a calm, inner-peace guiding our project into the next exciting phase.

Illustration of Ian from The Free Folk Project


A huge piece of the Free Folk puzzle is the creation of a physical village. Ian has a unique ability to take our ambitious ideas and meticulously weave them into realisable plans.

Ian’s attention, more so, his instinctive passion for detail, fuses effortlessly with his artistic prowess. More than a designer, Ian is hands on and adds fun and laughter to our days on construction.

Illustration of Anna from The Free Folk Project


The Wee Folk part of our project is of absolute importance, not just to us as Mama n Papa, but also to the evolution of our species and protection of our planet.

Anna shares our vision of tomorrow’s leaders and has the experience and innate wisdom to help our dreams become form. Through her profound and magical story-telling, Anna gifts enchantment to children’s imagination and at the same time challenges their decision making, resulting in incredibly creative and empowered youngsters.

Illustration of The Dude from The Free Folk Project

The Dude

Every project needs a Dude.. Dude reminds us to stop living so fast, not to take life or ourselves too seriously..

When all is said and done - The Dude abides..