The Free Folk Project

Living in Freedom

The Free Folk Project was born from our collective desire to put the mission of our hearts into positive action. So that’s what we’re doing - creating our own self-supporting ecosystem, where our project identifies and addresses the failing, misused fragments of our world and begins undoing what’s not working, replacing it with what does.

A true transformation from negative to positive on the world stage.

Find out more:

The Free Folk Project Online

Like you, we dream of thriving physical communities — where like-hearted kin live in close proximity, supporting, empowering, and energising each other.

Until that time, we make the most of the tools at hand. We’re actively transmuting online technology into a force for good, helping us reach one another and make real, meaningful connections, no matter the distance.

Currently we have two uplifting weekly community events, in the shape of M.Y.G.A. and The Hearing Heart.

Coming soon, we’ll be launching The Dear Danny Show, an explosive and insightful podcast, and our online marketplace, reviving the ancient practices of barter and exchange. And last but by no means least, Folk Finder — an app designed to help us locate and connect with our true tribe in the physical realm.

Weekly Online Community Events

Make Yourself Great Again (M.Y.G.A.) is our direct antidote to the MAGA movement.

We don’t see countries, borders or division — we see us, the people. Beyond the labels of separation, we come together each week to uncover how we can break free from outdated paradigms of external control and step boldly into the exciting chapter of self-governance. In the reflection of each other’s absolute truth, we collectively empower one another to remember how to fly.

The Hearing Heart is a platform created to gift a more dedicated and considered approach to an individual's process of reclaiming their inner-peace and self-empowerment. Through gentle, reassuring enquiry, we aim to help people find a place of true freedom and the comfort of feeling real power within themselves. We offer one-to-one sessions as well as a weekly group event.

Find out more via the buttons below:

Positive Media

It doesn’t matter what we put our focus on, each piece of our ever-expanding puzzle is intended to create a ripple of rich positivity.

Our mission is to continue to deliver content infused with the unshakable truth: YOU are the answer to all of your challenges in life.

From our podcast to our children’s animation, from our own news show and documentary to our first music album, everything we create is designed to motivate, evoke, and inspire — a reminder of just how fucking powerful we are, both as individuals and as a collective.

Find out more via the buttons below:

Online Marketplace

We have always believed that the traditional financial system is void of the true representation of value. When all is said and done, it is we, the people, who are the true value in this world.

Our Online Marketplace is a space where products, skills, and services are freely exchanged with open hearts, honoured with the reciprocal value they truly deserve.

Each of us have something to offer, so let this be a dynamic marketplace where we can showcase our unique gifts and truly support one another.

We’ll soon begin populating the marketplace with virtual stalls — stay tuned for updates, and if you’d like to offer your products, skills or services, get in touch!

Folk Finder

We know in our hearts, the Great Awakening is so much easier to endure once we've found our kin.

With that in mind, and even more so in heart, we are working on Folk Finder. A platform that will support people in discovering their tribe and the people they were always supposed to find, both romantically and platonically.

Stay tuned for more info coming soon, and make sure you're on our mailing list for the latest news.

The Free Folk Project On-land

Alongside our online endeavour is our ‘On-land’ project — we are busy building a real-word, interdependent village, a space where we can come together, learn, create, and reconnect.

Through informative workshops, we’ll rediscover lost traditions. We'll enrich our local communities and celebrate it all with a physical marketplace, where music, dancing and creativity will fill our hearts.

Supporting Our Neighbourhood

We are continually expanding our physical land to realise the ambitious dream of our supportive village — which will include our Wee Folk mission, our Bee Folk adventure and our fully loaded media studio.

In-Person Workshops & Events

Now more than ever, we need to step away from our screens and into the real world — among like-minded kin, where we can meet eye to eye and embrace one another.

Over the past few years, we've hosted in-person events ranging from Danny on-stage setting the world to rights to weekend-long Natural Farming workshops and larger community gatherings. Each has fostered real connections, sharing knowledge and experiences that ignite fearless freedom and fuel the building of our new world.

Keep an eye on our events page and subscribe to our mailing list for the latest updates.

Physical Marketplace

We will be hosting an in-person Market Place, where people can turn up to share their art, crafts, skills and talents.

The ageless practice of trading will determine the future we collectively dream of, reimagining our expired monetary system and replacing it with that which has true value.

Stay tuned for more info on our physical marketplace and sign up for our newsletter to receive the latest updates.

Channel Free

Innovative & Empowering Media

Evolving alongside The Free Folk Project, we're establishing an innovative creative agency, which supports and creates content for ethical companies who share our genuine values.

We wholeheartedly believe we can reimagine brand promotion to gift real meaning to the company/customer relationship - Where public relations isn't just hollow words and promises, but instead a conscious and authentic representation of a company's philosophy and how that lends itself to their products and services.

If your project would benefit from content that sparks critical thinking, offers wholesome entertainment, and delivers real-world value with honesty and integrity, we’d love to collaborate. Get in touch to find out more.



MYGA (Make Yourself Great Again) is a weekly Sunday space where people worldwide come together to support each other and rediscover their inner strength and potential.

Since its launch in September 2024, MYGA has created a powerful ripple effect. With the energy of each session at such a high vibration, participants are realising their power and making life-changing progress - a true revolution of our age.

MYGA is also helping people find their ‘tribe’ offline, enriching and supporting each other in the physical world.

Subscribe to our newsletter to receive weekly invites. Everyone is welcome - join the conversation or simply listen in.


The Hearing Heart

We know how challenging this ‘Great Awakening’ can be for everyone.

At The Hearing Heart, we believe shared experiences and the unconditional presence of a ‘hearing heart’ can empower those struggling to reclaim their autonomy in a compassionate, confidential setting.

Our mid-week, open-group sessions offer non-judgmental support, with one brave soul sharing their story. Together, we explore, seek insights, and find healing that uplifts us all.

Subscribe to our newsletter for open-group session invites, or get in touch if a private one-to-one session feels right for you.


Danny's Diary

Mainstream social media platforms are far from social. They’re designed to dumb us down, fuel competition, and keep us trapped in a superficial cycle of endless scrolling - until one day, we realise it’s too late to act. But hey, at least we got a few hundred likes...
It’s not real. But you are.

To move away from these billionaire-run platforms built on data harvesting and manipulation, we’re developing a space on our website. Free from propaganda and distraction, it’s a place for meaningful content - reminding us of our role in fixing the world and lighting the way to a future of love, compassion, and purpose.

Subscribe to our mailing list for updates on Danny’s Diary, or view the latest posts via the buttons below.


The Dear Danny Show

The Dear Danny Show Podcast is coming soon... We’re certain no one else shares our unique approach to enquiry - a perfect blend of compassion, confrontation and comedy.

Both highly entertaining and deeply meaningful, we already have a huge list of engaging, informative and inspiring guests ready to join us in a truly uncensored dialogue.

Make sure you're on our mailing list for the latest news and announcements.


Veg Heads

Much of today’s children’s entertainment is politicised, shaping young minds in ways that don’t serve them.

We believe it’s our responsibility to reclaim children’s content - delivering inspiring stories that fuel imagination, reconnect them with Mother Earth, and most of all, make them laugh.

Our first adventure into children’s entertainment begins with the highly anticipated VEG HEADS animation series.

Keep an eye on our social channels and subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest updates!


Willy Daly

We believe laughter is vital - not just for making people feel good again, but for planting important, thought-provoking seeds through the easily digestible vehicle of comedy.

The Willy Daly Show is at first our parody take on global and geopolitical events, evolving into broader comedy skits that encourage fresh perspectives and offer an antidote to the absurdity of modern life.

Watch this space!


The Free Folk Documentary

Bubbling away in the background, we have an incredibly talented, award-winning documentary maker, capturing the journey of our project and how it all began.

We hope to have a teaser trailer ready soon, so make sure you're following us on our social media accounts and subscribed to our newsletter for updates.


The Conversation

We’re excited to take our first steps into the music industry. With many talented musicians among us, collaborating and making our mark on the music scene feels like a natural step.

Our first album, The Conversation, is currently being worked on, with release pegged for later this year.


The Land

We are incrementally acquiring an entire valley in the south of Spain, where we look to repurpose, regreen and revitalise the land and in doing so create beautiful content in the form of an informative, entertaining docu‑series. This will showcase our adventure, encouraging and supporting our audiences to become positive, empowered and self‑sufficient in their own lives.

Our philosophy is to work in harmony with nature, leveraging its strengths alongside technological advancements, with the intention to become an energy-independent and zero-waste organisation.

To find out more, check out our news article below and subscribe to our newsletter for updates.


A wise man once said, “It is easier to build strong children than repair broken adults.”

At The Free Folk Project, we believe in child-led learning.

We’ve been conditioned to accept rigid curricula as best for our young, yet a revolution in education is unfolding. While traditional schools churn out factory minds, alternative learning spaces are emerging, breaking free from state-designed programming.

Children are naturally curious - born to explore, discover, and see life as an adventure. In a dynamic, nurturing environment, their imagination ignites, guiding them to learn instinctively. By unlocking their infinite potential, they teach us too.

Our duty is to support, protect, and truly hear them - so they can help us build a world we’re proud to call home.

To learn more, check out our news article below and stay tuned for more Wee Folk content.


The divine duty of bees is vital to our world - their humble yet miraculous work sustains biodiversity, pollinates ecosystems, and ensures the growth of the food we rely on.

Yet due to irresponsible agricultural practices, bees are facing immense challenges. But don’t worry - a new wave of devoted hive custodians is helping them make a comeback.

At The Free Folk Project, we bee-lieve in nurturing our relationship with Earth’s most powerful pollinators. We’ll be sharing bee-related content to help you discover how to play your part in the bee revolution.

Bee Inspired. Go Bee-yond. Bee the change.

Stay tuned for more Bee Folk content, and make sure you're on our mailing list to receive the latest updates.


Media Studio

We’re collaborating with an award-winning designer to create a multi-purpose media studio at the heart of Free Folk land, nestled in a beautiful Andalusian valley.

Aligned with The Free Folk Project ethos, the studio will be sustainably built using locally sourced materials wherever possible and will operate entirely off-grid with minimal environmental impact. Beyond producing our own positive, informative and entertaining content, we aim to share the space with like-minded individuals and organisations to support and enhance their projects.

The Free Folk media studio will provide:
• Recording Studio
• Acoustic Recording Booth
• Editing and Animation Suite
• Co-Working Space
• Meditation Space
• Crypto-Mining Facility
• Equipment Storage

More details coming soon - follow us on social media and subscribe to our newsletter for updates.

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