How It All Began

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Most of us sentient beings remember certain world events that startled us from the normality of our day‑to‑day lives.. Scorched into our timelines as the moments igniting change.. The happenings that have held us up at gunpoint and demanded we re‑evaluate our existence.. Key dramas on the world stage which help us uncover who we really are and what we truly stand for.. Usually they are grave situations which gnaw at our hearts.. The Gulf Wars, 9/11, 7/7 – all had great impacts on my journey.. But none so great as COVID‑19..
On March 1st 2020, I was in London caught up in the hierarchical, bureaucratic arse‑kissing called showbusiness.. Excited to be travelling back to my real world later that day, I was sat up in bed sipping a cup of tea in the calmness of my hotel room as the news played out the death drama in Wuhan.. A juxtaposition great film‑makers would be proud of..
Admittedly, I was at first pulled into the spectacle of it.. My phone was alight with notifications from family and friends, as the contagion of fear worked its way around the world..
I travelled back to Belgium and later with my partner Hanne watched the organised chaos unravel.. In the first days we, like many others were concerned at the potential threat to our young family.. As the fear subsided, we were afforded a new perspective.. Polarised opinions aside, the point here is to address the gravity of such a world event that forces one to re‑examine everything they thought they knew about the world.. And more.. It’s the catalyst for such a stripping down of our beings – we come through it with absolutely no fucking idea who we once were..
Change called, so we made changes..
The film industry shut down and any ability to travel was completely restricted, meaning we no longer had any income..
So we downsized, moved in with a friend and fell pregnant..
Outside, the old world looked like it was dying, but our future felt very much in our hands.. Quickly outgrowing our friend’s house, we found a community in the south of Belgium which appeared to share our philosophy on the building of a fairer world..
But, it didn’t work out..
So, off we went again.. To fulfil a dream Hanne and I had shared since we first fell for one another..
Hanne seven months pregnant, me dealing with some pretty heavy, physical detoxifications, three‑year‑old twin girls who are a force to be reckoned with, a high‑maintenance hound and a car full of our belongings..
We made for Spain..