Letting Go

What on earth is going on?

I am not certain why we have incarnated at this time. Yet, deep in my heart I know there are no coincidences. We are supposed to be here, in these time, space coordinates – turning up over and over again.

As our bodies adapt to the powerful, light of love energy, ripping through us and across our world, we are afforded glimpses of multi-dimensional clarity, momentarily engaging with the worldly wisdom of the gods, lighting our provident path, and all but confirming our rebellious choices.
Then we crash back to earth. Landing full-force in a simulation of zombies. A robotic reality of surrealism. As though we're looking into a goldfish bowl, or perhaps looking out.

Hovering around us are those whom we once shared such fond friendships, those we once held so dear. But the laughter has faded away and what we're left with is the bare bones of sentiment. A desolate duty hanging on by the skin of its teeth.

The question is what are we hanging on to? Why do we maintain relationships rife in redundancy?
For my money, we are clinging to the comfortable, the familiar, the echo of a simpler time, where the superficiality wasn't so painstakingly obvious.

And now, well now – the veil is falling away, the clown's make-up is being dissolved in the salty tears of change, and we realise we need more. More truth, more substance, deeper connections and ultimately, more love.

To be recognised in all our divine magnificence, celebrated for all our short-comings, looked unflinchingly in the eyes, to have our hopeless hearts heard with humble attention.

To be held and loved without condition. Without judgement and critique. To sit in the soft, silence of spontaneity and simply see one another. To share the roars of injustice. To march across no-man's land, hand in hand, heart in heart.

In this age of great challenge and transition, these are the relationships that will last the test of time. Anything less is self-sacrifice. The dutiful detriment of days gone by.

No. Now isn't the time to fix the unfixable. Now is the time to let go. To say goodbye to the old and make space for the new.

For the man who spends time walking the cemetery, will soon find his name in stone.

Be brave. Move forward. Let go.