Losing My Religion
Religion? Now there’s a word with a tonne of contention. But what does it mean?
Loosely “the belief in and worship of a superhuman power or powers, especially a God or gods”.
There’s supposedly over 4,000 religions in the world today. That’s a whole lot of conflicting interpretations of God.
So what is God, The Divine, Source? Well for me, it’s an eternal tapestry of love-light connecting all living beings. An ethereal web of wonder embodied by little old us.
It’s what we are in our most consistent part. The immovable light within that is constant and wholesome. The nothing and everything running poetically paradoxical in comical profundity.
That’s my humble interpretation anyway. Of course there’s a lot of shit we carry that’s busy getting in the way of our innate godliness.
No more so than man-made religion.
Even now in the year 2025, the division caused by religion is rearing its ugly head once again. On one side we have the self-styled ‘Patriots’ who parrot “Christ is King”. Muslims who seem hell-bent on imposing Caliphate, Jews reminding everyone they are God’s chosen people and Catholics running around choking on guilt.
All of the above religions, and many others not mentioned, deem their faith or their God superior to the others. And the believer then, by default, becomes superior. A VIP in God's waiting room.
“You non-believers are all fucked. But see us? We pray over here, read this book and pay money to this outfit, so we’re going to heaven, whilst you lot all burn in hell”.
See, God, Source, the Divine, it doesn’t know sides or separation. God doesn’t wish for people to live in guilt or shame at not being worthy enough.
If one book or another is preaching superiority and division, then that is not the word of God. It is the word of ungodly men who seek to turn man against himself and his true kin.
Our relationship with God is inherent. It is the fundamental faith that courses through our veins, whether we’ve realised it or not.
True connection to source does not require validation or justification from material. It is a deep and meaningful relationship which transcends narrative.
Why is this so important right now? Because the Globalist Agenda is building The Crusades 2.0, coming to a town near you. The old, and quite painstakingly obvious divide and conquer, where out of the ashes a one-world religion will rise.
What is stopping it from unfolding? You, me – us.
Knowing in our hearts that love is God and God is love.
And love doesn’t preach division and will not succumb to spiritual arrogance.
We are ALL the same as seen by the loving presence of God.
We are ALL one.
This Sunday on MYGA we will be discussing Self-Harm. See you there.