Setting The Stage..

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Neil's headshot illustraion

A brief interruption from Neil

"Forgive the down-time recently folks - We're doing our best to deliver you content on a regular basis and part of my role there is pulling together the newsletter content.

As a lot of you will understand, the day-to-day grind can be overwhelming at times and I experienced a bit of a burn out last week with my day job. The energy I have for the Free Folk Project just wasn't flowing in the evenings, when I usually dive in - I needed a few days to reset and replenish my reserves.

Despite our busy lives, every member of the Free Folk team are incredibly passionate about the project.. We're so excited about where it's going, where it'll take us all and the potential is has to benefit the world as a whole. So, stick with us - at the heart of it we're just regular folk, like you.. ordinary people, building something extraordinary together. There may be hurdles to overcome along the way, but with your love and support, nothing can stop us."

In this modern age we've become more impatient than a five year old on a triple Espresso..

This fast world has us demanding, and expecting our demands to be met immediately..
We're so in a rush we've forlorn real focus and trivialised true attention..
Our ability to sit still is almost forgotten..
We want it all and we want it now..

Well tough - you're going to have to wait..

We believe our Free Folk Project is revolutionising those old paradigms that no longer enrich us.. We feel in our hearts, the consideration we invest now will blossom into a new way of living and communicating with one another and ourselves..

As we're “setting the stage” for the next chapter, the project is attracting the right people both online and in-person.. The hype is building, magnetising - lighting the fucking touchpaper for an enigmatic explosion that will land The Free Folk in hearts and minds..

Yes - things may appear slow to begin with, but that's because our eye for detail and feeling for what and who is right, is written in the stars..

Patience is a virtue of true and unstoppable power..

Be patient..

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