The Other Side..

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Once upon a time, mankind celebrated the core value of being social by sitting together talking, playing music, laughing with one another and sharing presence. Now, we sit alone glued to our devices, staring mechanically into a screen, waiting for our friends to connect with us in this artificial reality. Instead of connecting in the physical realm, our relationships are housed within shady algorithms, shameless advertising and addictive, sensationalist scrolling.

Everyone is dying to be liked, to be engaged with, to ultimately be loved. To not feel so alone in this ever-challenging world which has seemingly lost all meaning. The giant wound in mankind’s self-worth, greedily gobbled up by the attention economy that shows no signs of slowing down. The drastic measures people go to, simply to be seen, to be recognised, is at once deeply sad and equally nauseating. Searching for approval and validation externally, instead of within.

Almost daily, social media crazes sweep the world, ripping away at humanity’s self-respect all in the name of fame.

And yet social media has served a very positive purpose during this turbulent time in our history. We have found one another. We have found alternative viewpoints to the biased official narrative. We’ve been supported by those who put their hearts on the line, to rage against the machine.

Personally, it has brought me this far through the fun-packed fog. Afforded me the stage to celebrate my divine design, to reach people, support them in remembering the infinite light of love, which they are.

To get up and get at it.
Continually holding the line, come what may.
We’ve had some good fucking laughs along the way too.

However, I was never comfortable enriching platforms of censorship, which only told one side of a very complex story. This day was always going to arrive for me.

This is one of the biggest reasons we began the Free Folk Project. To undo the social imprisonment of so-called social media, to transmute the popularity contest man has fallen victim to. To create an online community that loves, supports and celebrates our kin, away from the superficial materialism of the mainstream arena.

An abundant bridge which encourages people to find each other and get busy in action, building a world we’ll be proud to hand down to our children. Instead of setting fire to our pink hair, wearing only a thong and a Rollie, sharing pictures of our avocado on toast, simply to be acknowledged.

This is the other side and it’s going to be freedom.