The Unstoppable Dream
Has everyone caught up yet?
Just to spell it out briefly, the reason we have non-stop wars, eternal crises, forced, unchecked immigration, aggressive illnesses with no cure in sight, poisonous food, toxic water, unnatural skies, increased ‘pandemics’, poverty, suicide, addiction and on and on and on, is simply because those who control the politics, the money, the food, the medicine, the ‘science’, the media, the military industrial complex, are a group of cold-hearted, calculated men who are driven by greed and place profit and control high above the well-being of day‑to‑day people.
They manipulate and divide mankind to such an extent it makes the populace easy to influence and rule. It is not a conspiracy that those in power care not one iota for the people or our earth, the proof is simply the world we see through our very own eyes, which is getting crazier and more unfair by day. If you’re able to argue this point, chances are you’re still using the deeply flawed and biased mainstream media as your source of information and likely haven’t done a minutes worth of independent research in your entire existence.
The positive thing for us, who have been shouting from the rooftops for years, and the others, whom are still hypnotised by the confirmation bias of the paid-off ‘experts’ and financially incentivised ‘factcheckers’, is that no matter what is seemingly going on in the big, mad world out there, the change washing across our earth is of such a magnitude that nothing can stop it unfolding.
People in the millions are waking up to smell the dystopia and realising there is so much more to life, so much more meaning than the superficial, robotic dream we’ve been conditioned to accept as ‘normal’.
The level of absurdity rippling through our broken societies is true testament that the old world is dying before our very eyes and we are here to carry our earth and each other into a beautiful new reality, built on the fabric of our shared human values of compassion, kindness and love.
Deep within the divine tapestry of our being, is a collective ancient algorithm, a mutual inner-standing that the old ways of our damaged world do not serve the people or our earth, so together we are changing it for the benefit of all beings.
No matter what happens in the coming months and years, nothing and I mean nothing can stop this powerful and profound movement of the people.
Nothing can stop the unstoppable dream.