What Are We Here For?(parte dos)

How does one go about beginning to ‘fix’ a world falling apart at the seams?

We’ve been conditioned to feel insignificant, to wonder how ‘little old me’ goes about making positive change in our societies seemingly hell‑bent on self‑destruction.
To observe the suffering, the division, the hate, the war, the famine, homelessness, addiction, the breakdown of traditional values of respect, kindness and compassion – all but gone.

The sorry state of a world which was once the home of such splendour and beauty, reduced to fucking headlines and TikTok videos. Where culture and creativity were celebrated and observed with awe.

Now each piece of creative content is implanted with nauseating coercion, a brain-washing narrative seeking to manipulate people into handing it all over to a failing globalist narrative, which seeks to destroy the natural world and replace it with a transhumanist, technocratic communist, dystopia.
Where common people are reduced to lab-study entertainment and the parasitic, self-styled ‘elite’, gorge themselves on the blood of the people, championing the success of their ‘plan’.


And not on yours either.

It is no coincidence whatsoever that we are here right now, at this time, in this place. Carrying the burden of a burning world. Holding it all together in our heavy hearts.

We are the ones that see.
Who feel. Who know that this isn’t living. The superficial reality we have been sold with slick, hypnotic advertising is dying before our very eyes.

We want more and so by cosmic invitation we are becoming more. More stronger, wiser and more resilient. We are able to look into the ugly eye, the shadowy presence, the dark force that has turned mankind in on itself, and not look away.
To stand full of righteous molten anger face to face, and say ‘is this all you’ve got!?’.

See, we’re not going anywhere. We are immovable. We are built from the most powerful energy in this universe ‑ LOVE.

We are cast out of the deep, fiery hearts of the stars. Exploding into meaning. Day after day. A profound, pursuit of healing both within and without. To take this world by the scruff of the neck and scorch all that doesn’t belong here. All that doesn’t serve the betterment of the people and our earth - all that doesn’t serve LOVE.

With that feeling of utter knowing, this is what we are here for, we are rebuilding our home with compassion.

We are the warriors of this age, the builders of a new world, the guardians of liberty. This is our quest. This is our story. And it’s worth dying for again and again and again.

All you have to do is feel these words in your heart. And know you will never give up, you will never give in. You will never kneel to that which does not serve LOVE.
That your last breath in this physical realm, will be one of freedom.

That’s it, it’s that simple. Hold on to that celestial vision of a the world we have always dreamed of and don’t give ‘them’ a fucking inch.